Since 2007

The SAFETY POLE Factory GmbH is a specialised producer of the unique multifunctional pole.
Taking account of the differing requirements in terms of security and illumination as well as economical and energy efficiency, we develop, design and produce an outstanding pole system.
The patented SAFETY POLE is suitable for municipal infrastructures, security infrastructures on estates and properties, as communication hot-spot or as a marketing and representation tool.
If the SAFETY POLE is developed and implemented properly, it provides efficiencies and benefits.
As a mid-sized, owner-run company we mainly work with regional suppliers.
The high quality of design, engineering and production makes the SAFETY POLE in to a product:
Made in Germany!
Since 2010

Product-related engineering & project services
Because of the enormous flexibility and wide range of use cases of SAFETY POLE, we were involved in a several numbers of projects.
One of the results is the development of an 360° LED-street lighting with multiple illumination areas.
Related to issues of public and private security and infrastructure, we are involved in different kinds of process developments, planning’s or constructions.
The outcome of these efforts are e.g. the security infrastructures of car & truck parking or open-air-events & festivals.
Future planning includes e.g. security infrastructures of stadiums and sport arenas.
Lately we are involved in projects with high-speed communication city networks, to develop new ways of data traffic and IT services.
Mobile SAFETY POLE systems are made to set up temporary security, communication and public infrastructure, with own energy supply and data network at events, festivals,